Arianna and her 8 month adventures
Went on her first road trip to Oregon and did amazing
Saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time
Loves to go to her swimming lessons. She is the youngest one there. Kicks and splashes the whole time.
She went to her first Vacation Bible School.
She reaches out for us.
Loves watermelon!
She can do the pincher grasp to pick up her puffs.
Uses both hands to eat and pick up things.
Sits up and learning to wave!
Got to visit the zoo for the first time! Loves the otters and penguins.
Got to visit the zoo for the first time! Loves the otters and penguins.
So very close to crawling.
Pulling herself up to standing
Still no teeth and very little hair
Pulling herself up to standing
Still no teeth and very little hair
8 months old!