Tuesday, April 19, 2016

One year old

Isabelle has changed so much this past year. It's hard to believe how happy she is throughout the day. She can stand on her own. From standing, she gracefully sits down! She is trying to walk! She is very attached to her mommy. Loves her sister and gives huge open mouth kisses. She waves and claps. Still no teeth. She is the joy I our lives. 


Saturday, April 9, 2016

11 months

Still no teeth
Met the Sisters of the Apostles of the Interior Life
Loves being outside in the grass
"Rides" the bike
Went in the swings and laughed the whole time

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

10 months

Isabelle is....
pulling up and letting go to get to us,
knocks over towers as soon as you build them,
plays peek-a-boo
says "more" in sign language
uses toys to scoot to places on her feet
loves to eat meat
her favorite show is Paw Patrol
said "dada"
shakes her head back and forth to dance
still has no teeth!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

9 months

Learning to clap and wave!
Likes watching paw patrol 
Major separation anxiety from mom
Enjoys playing with Arianna 
Pulling to standing and letting go
Practicing walking
Pulling hair makes her laugh
No teeth! 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

8 months old

Loves to eat chicken, Italian beef, green beans, bananas, pears
No teeth 
Celebrated her first Christmas 
Such a happy baby
Loves playing in the ball pit
Saw her first snow
Hates bedtime but loves to nap
Her favorite thing to do is chase balls and Swirly
Loves to be chased