Monday, March 11, 2013

3 months old

Smiles all the time!
Mom got the first giggle!
Loves to suck on her whole hand
Hates pacifiers and shopping
Holds quite a good cooing conversation 
Started sleeping in longer stretches
Loves to stare at herself in the mirror
Tries to imitate us when we stick our tongues out at her.
Loves bath time
still hates tummy time but
Rolled over from tummy to back!

Ready for Ash Wednesday Mass

Tummy time

In her new 0-3 clothes!

Skyping with Grandpa Rosales

nap time with dad


Looking adorable


With mommy after a nice walk


  1. WoW! It's so hard to believe she's 3 months old! I just love this post! Thank you for sharing, Beth!

  2. I know! It feels like we just brought her home. I can't believe how quickly the winter went! I will have to have all my kids in the winter. It makes it more bearable. And she is just amazing :)
